Like this site? Have some interesting tips/tutorials to share which are related to this site’s content? Yes, you are very much welcome to do that. I will happily welcome you as one of the guest writers for this site.
Who can contribute here?
Suppose you are already a professional programmer/ software application developer, and you have good knowledge of some specific domain which can help other programmers/developers. In that case, you can use this site as a communication platform by which your thought, speech, tip/tricks, and tutorials will reach many other programmers/developers as this site is totally dedicated to topics related to programming, full stack software development, server management etc. No other types of contributions are welcome here.
Why you should contribute here?
You might be wondering or have questions about why you should write here and what benefit you will get here. Well, there are some benefits also:
- Your tutorial will get a big exposure to the targeted audience(who are software professionals and programmers like you). People will know about your ability level, and with the help of this exposure, you can get a better opportunity in your professional career. These will act as your future references as well.
- You are giving back to the community. It’s the key rule for a community. As you are getting something useful from a community, it’s also your responsibility to give something back to the community so that others get benefits also. This is how a community grows.
- I will put your short information beneath every article you give here(Fill up your profile details after registering and logging in to the administration area). In this way, you will receive a valuable do-follow backlink to your personal site/blog. This will help your blog/site get a good number of interested visitors and a good page rank also.
Guidelines to write a tutorial here:
- You will have to offer an original unique article(it must not have already been published on other websites) that is helpful to other programmers/developers in some ways. I won’t tolerate any spam. You will be permanently banned if such activities are observed.
- Please upload a 250 x 250 image(or select the correct resizing option after upload) as the featured image for each of your articles that is related to your article’s theme in some way. You are welcome to browse this site’s current posts to see how the featured images are used.
- Put necessary code examples, screenshot images, links to other related useful sites etc, with as many descriptions as you can.
- Your article needs to be no less than 450 words. Please express as much information as you can.
- If you have developed some software products/services/extensions/libraries, you can write articles with detailed information/uses of that products/services for promotional purposes. But please avoid using promotional slang or sentences; rather, try to make people understand what you are promoting better. If that helpful, people will grab that for sure, whether it’s free or paid. Along with guidance to use your products/services/libraries/extensions.
The site admin will review your submitted articles before being published to the public visitors.
Fill Out The Following Form:
Please give your article idea in brief here. If it attracts interest, you will be given new account details so that you can write a full article in the WordPress editor yourself.